Let me just state for the record that I think that this is utter crap, Ross Robinson being the Brendan O'Brien of the hard rock world. The fact that he's not only involved in this project, but that he liked the band so much that he signed them to his own mini-label only addds to my dislike for this disc. One more thing I can't get over is that former Wrathchild America/Souls at Zero drummer Shannon Larkin is playing on this album, until I remember that his previous band was indeed Ugly Kid Joe. I guess that this is condiered "angry", with vocalist Casey "Chaos" (who is also responsible for all the music and riffs on this sonic abortion) snarling like a third rate John Lydon as his band throws around plenty of power chords for everyone's enjoyment. You know what though, this'll probably go gold in the states, with teenage girls and big pants/chain wallet guys eagerly awaiting when they can start pseudo-moshing to this tripe. I remember when Roadrunner used to sign some awesome bands, now it's seems that they're just breeding groups for Ozzfest. Lovely. This is already recycled.