To be honest, I really wasn't sure what to expect with this one. With an incredibly cheesy cover, and starting the album off with an Egyptian influenced intro, things were looking grim. A very pleasant surprise then when the main riff from The Serpent God kicked in, for it seemed that Apophis had something special in store for us listeners. Heliopolis manages to mix quite a few different elements together, ending up with something that soundsdare I say it, original. The recording's kinda weird, not bad, but sounds a little muddy, a little too dark. Doesn't detract too much though, as the "experimentalism" more than makes up for it. Real use of melody here, but not something from the book of In Flames or Arch Enemy. Vocals are defintely on the gruff side, but offset the guitarwork well, and keep the album away from being mistaken for a Swedish export. Technically adept, these guys can also craft an effective song, so that whether a zillion notes are flying around, or a riff is accentuated, a groove is kept, capturing instead of alienating. So bypass the cover and imagery and listen to the multi- faceted Heliopolis, for each time it spins, you'll be sure to hear something new.