As I understand it, Edge of Sanity began to suffer from creative disputes, resulting in the dichotomous Infernal. Looking at who plays what here, it's pretty obvious that Swan? played the Swan? tracks, and Dread et al. took the reigns on the Axelsson penned tracks. I say dichotomous as the two writing styles are completely different, with Swan? handling the melody, Dread the intensity. While this fused to brilliant results on the last three releases, here the two separated styles break the flow of the album, taking it down a notch. Some of this is evened out by Peter T?gtgren's excellent production, but in the end we're left with a band split at the seams. Don't get me wrong, this is still Edge of Sanity, and there are some excellent tracks here, making this a must have, but I pine for the days of yore, when EOS were at their peak. Not really much different from past releases, just maybe not as strong. After this release Swan? left the band to pursue several successful projects, with the rest of the band enlisting a new singer and continuing on